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Race for Oceans

Scaling a local ocean preservation initiative globally


Race for Oceans





Type of Work

Event execution

Social media


To raise awareness on plastic waste in the oceans, Race for Ocean, a Danish NGO, combines ocean cleanups, with sport and knowledge sharing moments. In less than four months, we helped them scale this initiative to six continents. Through a carefully crafted application process and multiple workshops, we selected and equipped 231 Champions with the right tool to replicate the initiative and enable them to make a global impact locally.

Mobilizing almost 2000 people, this initiative allowed 15,523+ kilogram of plastic to be collected. Local awareness of plastic pollution in oceans was raised in 42 countries, which spurred some of the champions to create their own climate initiative to continue the fight.

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“It has been the best experience we have ever had, to have been part of an international organization that cherishes and looks after the  well-being of the environment through communities.” 

Race for Oceans Champion, South Africa
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